Four months ago, I found myself at crossroads. The wave of recession sweeping across the USA had left me without a job. As the world grappled with uncertainty, so did I. Determined to navigate these turbulent waters, I set my sights on the tech sales landscape, craving a new beginning. And then, like a beacon of hope, I chanced upon getBeyond AI.

Allow me to introduce myself – Ghaghan, a sales specialist for the North America region at getBeyond AI. My journey is a tale of adventures, transitions, challenges, and more importantly new learnings – a story I'm thrilled to share.

In my quest for a fresh start in SaaS sales, I encountered a myriad of closed doors. The interview process with other SaaS companies seemed interminable, dragging on for weeks, even months, only to culminate in a disheartening "no." My experience, predominantly in B2C and B2B Ed-tech sales, was a stumbling block.

My first impressions

The innovative interview process

Then came getBeyond AI, a game-changer in every sense. The interview process was unlike anything I had ever experienced. They didn't ask for my traditional CV or delve into my education. Instead, they sought to know me through my experiences – and wanted to know the stories that got me where I am.

The fast-paced environment.

In just two whirlwind days, the interview process unfolded.

Within the first 2 hours of applying for the job opening on getBeyond AI's LinkedIn page, I got an email response with a few discovery questions. I got a response within 3 hours of sending my answers and the next round of interview was scheduled. Here I couldn't help but notice the uniqueness of an approach that I have never seen elsewhere, Every step of the interview was designed to understand my approach as a sales professional, my Eye for detail, my ability to storytelling, my communication skills, and my ability to unlearn, learn and relearn.

Round two was a video call with Sudip, CEO and Founder of getBeyond AI. This conversation revolved around my journey, my narratives, and my aspirations. Curiously absent from the discussion was my CV, again.

No traditional hurdles, no lengthy waits – getBeyond AI's rapid and distinct interview process intrigued me. Tasked with a role-specific assignment, particular to my skillsets which was followed by the final call, where my task was dissected, and the future unfolded.

In a moment of reckoning, Sudip extended his hand and welcomed me into the fold of getBeyond AI. The whole process from my outreach to getting the offer letter happened in 38 hours!

The quick-paced interview process and the decision pace paved the way and made me understand that getBeyond AI is a no-nonsense company. This entire experience was very new to me, I remember waiting for 45 days with another US-based company I interviewed with. Compare 38 hours to 45 days!  

getBeyond AI means business and is not here to waste anyone's time.

The journey had just begun. First 30 days.

The doors of getBeyond AI swung open, revealing a culture that mirrored the uniqueness of their interview process. From day one, I worked alongside Sudip, a  leader who erased hierarchical boundaries. Respect flowed freely, transcending titles.

During my induction, I was entrusted with autonomy – a rare gem in the corporate world. The freedom to experiment, to fail, and to learn transformed my journey. Creativity was not just accepted; it was celebrated. Sudip's following words became my mantra, propelling me beyond my comfort zone.

"What's the worst that could happen? Go ahead and do it, as long as it is ethical. "  - Sudip

I am truly delighted to share my reflections on the exceptional work culture cultivated by him. Over the course of my recent collaboration with Sudip and having worked with him closely for the past few weeks, I have had the privilege of gaining profound insights and invaluable experiences.

My first week.

From the very onset, during the initial week of my induction, Sudip exhibited an unwavering commitment to fostering a workplace characterized by growth and excellence. He entrusted me with the task of formulating a sales plan and providing comprehensive guidance on our organization's lean tech stacks.

Sudip's transparency and forthrightness were evident from the beginning, as he candidly shared his distinctive leadership philosophy. He expressed, "I will place you in the deep end of the pool to test your adaptability, intervening only when necessary."

Sudip's rationale was clear: to encourage learning through guided autonomy, rather than spoon-feeding knowledge.

My first misstep.

Throughout my journey, there were moments of tension where I encountered setbacks and made occasional errors. Yet, Sudip consistently responded with grace and encouragement, often reassuring me with the words, "That's okay," while offering constructive paths to rectify my missteps. I vividly recall a pivotal instance when I was tasked with crafting a weekly action plan following my training, and regrettably, I faltered. Sudip, understandably perturbed during our initial call, momentarily expressed his dissatisfaction. However, what transpired afterward truly exemplified Sudip's commitment to a nurturing work environment.

Shortly after our daily meeting, Sudip took it upon himself to extend a personal phone call. He sincerely apologized, explaining that the incident did not align with the work culture he aspired to establish. He proceeded to create a framework for the weekly action plan, steering me back on course.

It was a transformative experience, witnessing a leader who not only held high standards but also demonstrated a genuine dedication to his team's development.

Work is important, and so is family.

In an era where remote work presents unique challenges, Sudip's outlook further sets him apart as an exceptional leader. He emphatically conveyed his belief that his employees' well-being should always take precedence, with a hierarchy of priorities that places one's health first, followed by family health, and then work.

The mantra at getBeyond AI is self-health first, second family health, and then work.

In conclusion, my interactions with Sudip have been nothing short of enlightening. His commitment to fostering a culture of growth, and willingness to provide guidance while allowing room for individual learning, and his unwavering support for his team members' personal well-being have left an indelible mark on me. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Sudip for his exemplary leadership and for spearheading a workplace culture that inspires us all to strive for excellence.

Conclusion, the first 30 days.

By no means the first 30 days were easy. Sudip's decades of sales experience is visible. He gives you the autonomy but clearly knows when you are getting off track. No micro-management, but results matter here. getBeyond AI is completely results-oriented, efforts are appreciated but results matter the most.

getBeyond AI is not a company where the first 30 days are the honeymoon period, it possibly ends after the first 2 days :) The first 2 days are the most you'll get to get accustomed to getBeyond AI (actually takes less than 10 minutes), getting used to the systems used + getting to know the team (3-4 hours). If you are a little lazy, you get 1 more day :) I actually started reaching out to prospects from day 2 !!!

I now find myself in an environment where senior leadership personally invests in my success. getBeyond AI fosters a culture of growth, mentorship, and collaboration. The first 30 days, the learnings have been immense.

Want to join the getBeyond AI team?

To those who share a genuine passion for sales, who yearn to learn from a dynamic team of Sales AI experts, and who possess the versatility to thrive in a startup's nascent phase, visit our LinkedIn page,

  1. Follow us to stay updated on new things happening in the Sales AI space.
  2. Follow us to stay updated on new job openings.
  3. Explore our existing open positions, and seize the opportunity to embark on an extraordinary journey.

Join us at getBeyond AI, where every day is an invitation to learn, grow, and redefine your potential where it's okay to fail a few times but as long as you learn from it and have an honest intent to work you'd be a great fit to work with us at getBeyond AI.

My voyage from adversity to triumph found its anchor at getBeyond AI. This is not just a workplace – it's a canvas where stories are celebrated, growth is nurtured, and transformations unfold. And now, as I stand amidst the innovation and passion that define getBeyond AI, I can't help but echo the sentiment – come, be a part of our story.

Who should join getBeyond AI?

A sales professional with a hunger for innovation and a thirst for adaptability. getBeyond AI is calling upon fearless sales representatives who are ready to embark on an exciting journey into the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) sales. Here's why you should consider joining our ranks:

Embrace Unlearning, Learning, and Relearning:
At getBeyond AI, we understand that the AI landscape is in constant flux. To thrive in this ever-evolving industry, we need individuals who are not afraid to unlearn old techniques, learn new ones, and relearn as necessary. We value generalists who can pivot effortlessly in response to changing situations, ensuring that our team remains at the forefront of the AI sales game.

Fearless Experimentation:
AI is a burgeoning field where groundbreaking discoveries are made through experimentation. We are on the lookout for individuals who relish the opportunity to experiment and push the boundaries of what's possible in AI sales. Your willingness to explore uncharted territory is an asset that we highly value.

The Art of Innovation:
In the world of AI, innovation is the lifeblood of success. We seek individuals who can inject fresh ideas into our sales strategies and approaches. By thinking outside the box, you'll contribute to our mission of shaping the future of AI sales.

A Departure from the Traditional:
getBeyond AI isn't just another sales job. It's a unique sales role that demands a customer-centric approach. We prioritize understanding the needs of our clients, offering tailored solutions, and building lasting relationships. Say goodbye to old-school selling techniques; at getBeyond AI, we're rewriting the playbook.

High Energy and Consultative Mindset:
We thrive on high energy and enthusiasm. Our team embodies a consultative mindset, working collaboratively to solve complex challenges and meet our client's needs. If you're ready to bring your passion and creativity to the table, you'll find your home at getBeyond AI.

A Drive to Win Customers:
Winning customers is at the heart of what we do. We're looking for individuals who are motivated by the thrill of acquiring new clients and helping them navigate the world of AI. Your drive to succeed and exceed customer expectations will make you an invaluable part of our team.

In conclusion, if you're a sales professional who thrives on adaptability, innovation, customer-centricity, and the excitement of the AI industry, getBeyond AI is the place for you. Join us on this transformative journey as we redefine AI sales and create a future where possibilities are limitless.

Want to see the future? See how getBeyond AI works?

Give us a shout at and one of us will reach out to you. Make sure you mail us from your business email ID, else you'll be put on the long waitlist :)