Undoubtedly the best place to start your AI career.

Hi there !
I'm Pooja, an AI intern at getBeyond AI, from Bengaluru.                                                                          
I was an insecure final year undergrad student who had no prior experience, and who was threatened by the thought of what the future holds for her. It was impossible to believe that good things were gonna happen. But I'm glad things turned out really great, and I owe a major part of it to getBeyond AI.

I was always fascinated with machine learning and deep learning models which empower businesses, and dreamt of adding value to any organization which made things easier for the businesses to function efficiently. This fuelled me to apply for AI internships, only to get rejected or not hear from so many of them.

Fortunately, I got through all 4 rounds of the hiring process at getBeyond AI and got hired as an AI intern.

  1. First round was a telephonic interview.
  2. Second round was an assignment which involved sales using interactions between sales person and the client.
  3. Third round was a technical round.
  4. Fourth round was a call with Sudip (CEO)

There are many reasons why getBeyond AI is an amazing place to work, but here are 4 major reasons.

1. Emphasis on business understanding of the product
As an onboarding process, I was given access to the product and was asked to understand what value it adds to the sales people. During this process I learnt what information each window is providing and how the data is flowing. As an outcome of this task, I was asked to give a presentation to Sudip on my understanding of the service and list out any ideas which can help improve the service. This shows that getBeyond AI emphasis on you having a business understanding of the product and not just coding.

2. Hands on experience with new technologies and tools
The most exciting part was when I was introduced to new technologies and tools. I have worked with ‘Docker’, ‘Spark’, ‘AWS’ and ‘MongoDB’ during my project.

I hadn't worked on any of these things before I joined getBeyod AI, so I was given ample amount of time to teach myself how to work with them. I wasn't spoon fed and was allowed to learn by myself at my own pace, which made it even more challenging and fun. I always had help whenever I needed, as Raju (Data engineer) was just a call away. Even though these things were new to me, my learning felt smooth and effortless.

3. Professional and personal feedback
Feedback provides positive criticism and allows you to see what you can change to improve your focus and results. Right from the day of my interview, I have made mistakes, I was needed to be polished, and had to get out of my comfort zone. Given that this was my first internship, I was very nervous, and scared, but I was guided towards a better mindset by Raju and Sudip through their feedbacks.

I not only learnt how to get work done but also how to present myself. This helped me grow both personally and professionally. Now I'm way more confident about myself and the work I'm doing.

4. Amazing culture
Everyone here is addressed by their first name, irrespective of what position they hold. Just like I was given the freedom to learn and solve problems on my own, I was also responsible for setting my own deadlines for my tasks.

This sense of freedom and treatment makes you feel even more responsible and motivated to get work done. After one month into my internship, I had to give my final exams, which stressed me out thinking that I might have to choose between my exams and internship. But Sudip and Raju were really considerate and were kind enough to agree for the one month break I was gonna take.

I was given full freedom to ideate and solve problems, which shaped me into a problem solver and conditioned me to have my thinking cap on, all the time. It's just been 2 months at getBeyond AI and I've had the steepest learning curve, like never before.

Now, I'm a final year undergrad student who is lot more confident, with good experience and who is not threatened by the future but more excited to see what's next. getBeyond AI helped me fix my attitude, enjoy the learning process and modeled my approach than spoon feeding the solutions.

Feeling more confident and feeling more ready !

Would you like to see why I love to work at getBeyond AI? Check us out at- https://getbeyond.ai and if you wish to join us take a look at the open positions here:https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3657407259/